Bread of Life

I’ve been reading a book called, He Speaks to Me by Priscilla Shirer as part of my devotions. This morning I opened to chapter ten. And how did it begin? With Psalm 46:10, of course. Here are some excerpts.
Talking about childbirth and about an epidural – “the anesthesiologist said, ‘you were a great patient because you were really still…sometimes…I have to wait until they are quiet enough for me to give them medication, because I can’t give it to them while they are moving. As I listened, it dawned on me. Maybe the Great Physician is waiting to give us something. The one with the answer is right here, but the problem is that we won’t sit still long enough for him to give us what we need.
Speaking of feeding the 5000 in John: “Jesus said, ‘Have the people sit down.” [Her response was,] “Why Lord? I’m so busy. I have a to-do list a mile long. Why do you want me to sit down?”… I read the next verse “Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated.” Don’t miss that line…only those who were seated got food…Do you want to be filled with the spiritual food that God has for you?”
Priscilla went on to talk about 1 Samuel 3:3 where Samuel was lying down and was able to hear from the Lord and John 6:10 and Matthew where there are grassy places to sit. She was reminded of Psalm 23:2 “you make me like down in green pastures.”
May we take the time to be still, wait upon the Lord in green pastures, and hear His voice and receive the Bread of Life.
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Author: serena

Currently living outside Providence, working full time in higher education, and pursuing doctoral studies in Organizational Leadership.

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