Serenity and Home

While serenity is closely linked to home, it is not exclusively found at home. But a home contributes a great deal to one’s sense of serenity. But at the same time, serenity is something you carry with you. Hopefully, you carry it with you most places, if not everywhere. But it takes practice, patience, and fortitude to take it with you every day and every place. For the moment you leave the sanctuary of your home, your personal space, you encounter people and situations that threaten your serenity (if not your sanity!).

But your serenity must not be based on reactions or provocations, for there will always be people and situations that vex and annoy. Serenity is a mindset; In order to live in serenity, you must choose to be at peace no matter the chaos around you. This takes practice and self-reflection. You must consider what things are triggers for stress in your life, and then you must consider how you might handle those people and situations differently. How might you approach them with a different attitude?

Of course, your serenity and your stress level often are mirror images of each other. So, serenity requires finding the margin in life to rest and rejuvenate, to de-stress. While there is no way to avoid stress in life, there are ways to manage it, to overcome it, and to learn to let it affect you less. And if this is possible, why not cultivate a better life through serenity and de-stressing?

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Author: serena

Currently living outside Providence, working full time in higher education, and pursuing doctoral studies in Organizational Leadership.

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