Savoring the Moments

A few weeks ago as I pulled out of my driveway early one morning to meet my friends for breakfast at the deli, I paused to savor the beauty of this sunrise:


I stopped long enough to snap a photo with my phone and to remember.

Here’s a note from my journal when I was in Florida:

Late afternoon sun on the golf course. 3 white birds took off from the pond. Wings flapping flying low.
Truly seeing.

And then I found this beautiful quote from one of my favorite authors:

“We find these magical moments every day—drinking our morning coffee, reading the daily paper, eating lunch with a friend, drinking a glass of wine while admiring the sunset, or saying, ‘Good night, sleep tight . . .’ at bedtime. The holy in the daily; the sacred in the single act of living. . . . A time to do the dishes. And a time to walk the dog” (Fulghum, 1995, pp. 3, 254).

Take a moment today and savor the beauty around you. Stop and look at clouds or something else that you find awe-inspiring.