My One Word

I remember where I was when I got my One Word.  It was early January of 2016 and I was just leaving the doctor’s office on a cold winter day, and I paused just outside the door to look at a bush.  There in the midst of winter was a tiny bit of green.  I was reminded to slow down and admire the beauty around me. And it came to me, Serenity is my word.  It defines me.  It is how I live my life.  And it is partly my temperament, but it’s also intentional.  Like the choice that I made to stop and admire the landscape, not just hurry on to the next thing (or back to work).  It’s about choosing to see and notice the beauty around you.  A life lived in a rush does not leave much room for serenity.  But slowing down can be hard.  Stick around, see how I cultivate Serenity.Winter Beauty

Living Serenity

What is serenity?  And how does one find it?

I’m meditating on this One Word for 2016 and woke up early this morning with ideas running through my head, so I got out of bed and began journaling.  Here are the preliminary thoughts of things I want to write about:

  • Quiet or margin
  • Thankfulness
  • Meditation
  • Reading
  • Time Outdoors

These are things that feed my soul.  I especially like to get some daily time outside to see the sky and connect with my Creator.  The fresh air stimulates my mind.  In the coming weeks, I hope to explore these topics in more detail … stay tuned!

Palm trees and the lake framing the sunset
Palm trees and the lake framing the sunset


The Serene Life

Here’s a working title for what God has been speaking to me about in 2016 … if you know me, you know my name fits me – my parents named me well.  I’m feeling a nudge to share my serenity with the world and think I’ll start a new blog.  I’m polling ideas for a title on my FB page.

Coming soon  – more thoughts on living serenely.

Walking the park on a winter day
Walking in the park on a winter day