Self-Awareness, Gifts, and Calling

My PhD program has a strong emphasis not just on the theoretical, but also on the practical.  We are encouraged to learn more about our own leadership style and gifts.  These are a sample of the books I have acquired on self-awareness, gifting, and calling throughout my life – not including the grad school books.  I realized recently that this is a topic I’ve been interested in for most of my adult life.  Recently a prof used the term ‘quiet leadership’ and that resonated with me.  I’ve been writing about and pondering serenity these last two years; I know that it is a gift and I’m thankful that I’ve been given this gift.  Trying to determine if that is the direction I might be going with my dissertation topic.


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Author: serena

Currently living outside Providence, working full time in higher education, and pursuing doctoral studies in Organizational Leadership.

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